Copyright Acknowledgement...

Exceed Media can help with advise on copyright issues and making sure your site complies with third party copyright issues. To help users of your material know who owns the copyright in the material they want to re-use and how to get a licence, we recommend you provide accurate notices and statements on your documents and websites.

Below you will find some examples of notices that you may adapt to meet your organisations' requirements.

Option 1:

This covers cases where the material can be re-used without a licence:

  • © [insert name of copyright owner] copyright [insert year in which the website was established or last amended]
  • You may re-use the material featured on this website (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium.
  • You must re-use it accurately and not in a misleading context. You must acknowledge the material as [insert name or copyright owner] copyright and give the title of the document/publication.
  • Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.
  • We encourage users to establish hypertext links to this website.

Option 2:

This covers cases where a licence is required to re-use the material. It covers both free and charged licences.

  • © [insert name of copyright owner] copyright [insert year in which the website was established or last amended]
  • You may download the material featured on this website to file or printer for non-commercial research and private study. You will need a licence from us for any other form of re-use. Applications can be sent to us at:[insert contact details]
  • Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.
  • We encourage users to establish hypertext links to this website.

Example Copyrights Extracted From The Office Of Public Sector Information.

Our Third Party Copyright Acknowledgement

On this site,, we use and reference certain companies, images and trademarks that are owned by third parties. We acknowledge all third party copyrights where they have been used on this site and where we are aware of them being held under third party copyright.

Known Third Party Copyrights In Force On This Site

Linux is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)

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