In order to provide a professional business service, we have set up a few guidelines for users of our service. Some of these guidelines may seem strict, but they ensure a safe, functional, and trusted environment for all our customers to publish their information on the Web. Many of our competitors do not require their customers to comply with these guidelines. If any of our potential customers are unwilling or unable to comply with these guidelines, we respectfully invite them to visit one of our competitors.
Web and FTP Site Content Policies
We do not allow any of the following content to be published on any of our servers:
- Content of a pornographic, sexually explicit, or adult nature.
- Content of an illegal nature (including copyrighted material).
- Pirated software sites
- Hate sites or content that could be reasonably considered as slanderous or libellous
Exceed Media Ltd representatives will decide upon content that is questionable regarding any of the aforementioned criteria. Users posting any of the above content on their sites may have their Web and/or incoming anonymous FTP services temporarily suspended. They will then be contacted by Exceed Media Ltd and given the opportunity to remove the content in question before having their services reinstated. A repeated offence may cause cancellation of service without refund of any fees.
Email Usage Policies
Exceed Media Ltd does not support unsolicited email messages sent by users of our system (also known as junk email or SPAM). Any user sending unsolicited email messages from our system will have all of their services immediately suspended. Our servers allow a maximum of 100 emails per hour per account. If you require additional email capabilities, please consider our Hosted Microsoft Exchange Email service. They will then be contacted by Exceed Media Ltd and informed of the suspension before having their services reinstated. If we receive more than 1 abuse complaint within a 24 hour period, the users accounst will be immediately deleted from our servers with no further notice. No refunds will be given. A repeated offence, where in the first instance the abuse complaints were equal to or less than 1 every 24 hours will cause immediate cancellation of service without refund of any fees. Exceed Media Ltd does not allow any hosting account to give out free or paid email hosting on a public level.It is up to the client to monitor and control outgoing junk email/spam.
Illegal Activities
Customers caught using our system for illegal activities, including but not limited to breaking into remote systems, credit card fraud, theft, vandalism, threats, or violence, will have their accounts immediately cancelled without refund of any fees.
Right To Refuse Service
Exceed Media Ltd reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. We enforce this policy to ensure a professional environment for the users of our system. This includes any programs, such as CGI programs that are using excessive amounts of system resources. Excessive amounts is defined as any amount that results in substantial degradation of server performance. Exceed Media Ltd is the sole determinant of what constitutes degraded server performance. On some occasions, we allow heavy usage depending on the situation. However, additional fees may apply.
Ready to chat? Please contact us on
01903 685685